You are buying a professionally prepared PDF manual for this
self-designed model.
Detailsof the model: • PartNumber: 985 • Fullymovablelimbs •Robustassembly •Stable •1weapon: GatlingGunT55Thunderbolt •Weapon2: MG - T40Super Hornet •Foldrocket launcher •massivearmorH •Ambidextrousarmingpossible • Suspensionfor otherweaponssystems to theshoulders
Special: With any instruction you get an XML list for the Custom Model so you can order with just a few click's all the required parts. The list can easily (automatically) added! You savetime and effort, as well as shipping costs! Of course you canbuild modelsin any quantity.For each model you will receive a Excel file, in which all parts you will need are listed with photo and number.
You will receive an email as soon as you have paid the instruction. In this email you will find a link where you can download the manual.